I will write about just about anything. Today is Super Tuesday again, and MSNBC is on a roll. Last night the Presidential candidates had a debate. It wasn't the usual kind of debate. It was done on with UTube videos. It was very interesting and different. It wasn't the usual old stand up and sweat like Nixon style debate. It was regular people like you and me asking questions straight from the hip.
For years I have been following politics and I guess I got the love of it from my parents. My Mother was a Democrat and my Father was a Republican go figure that.
My first real memories of a President was President Eisenhower and when I was a little girl he scared the crap out of me. So when President Kennedy came on the scene I was ready for a new kind of President. My mother was so happy since she was a Irish/Scot Catholic and he was right up her alley.
In the sixties in Queens they used to have political rallies at Sunnyside Gardens on Queens Blvd. They closed Queens Blvd for about 10 blocks and they campaigns all had band wagons and drove up and down the street. They played music and had live bands. They had all kinds of signs and banners. It look like a circus was coming to town. The bull horns blaring so loud. It was very exciting to see for a 8 yr old girl. It was so crowded in front of Sunnyside Gardens because John F Kennedy was going to speak there that evening. I was with my father and we got pushed around the corner because the street was so crowded. So the we stood opposite the side door and guess who was sneaking in the door? JFK and I was stunned to see him so close up. It still seem like a dream that I saw him but it is a memories that I will cherish always.
Do you have a childhood memory that you would like to share? If so drop a comment.
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